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《一年恋一天》One Day——两个人的约定

"One Day"is a film based on the David Nicholls best-seller about a boy and girl who graduate from the University of Edinburgh on July 15,1988,and spend the night together. The story follows them by dropping in on July 15th of their lives for year after year, which is a useful device, because it eliminates the need to show us the events of the other days of their years.Success, failure, marriages, divorce, can take place off-screen if necessary.What matters is their accumulating effects.


Dexter(Jim Sturgess)is a twit. In the 1970s, he might have been known as a Hooray Henry.Emma(Anne Hathaway)is an earnest, hard-working girl.Dexter is upper-class.Emma is middle-class.Dexter goes into television production.Emma gets a job as a waitress in a Tex-Mex restaurant in London.Dexter becomes famous quickly and fades inexorably because there is really nothing there.Emma becomes obscure quickly and only gradually becomes successful because she persists in believing in herself and her gift for writing.


The film depends on a reliable fictional element, the redeeming power of the love of a good woman. Dexter is a superficial fool who descends through ever-lowering levels of humiliation on TV, cable and the Internet, until he has been reduced to a punchline.Emma stays her course.Her persistence and success are like a rebuke to Dexter.But it is important for us, and Emma, to realize that he is fundamentally a good person at heart—potentially.


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