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《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory——四个高材生与一个漂亮女孩的故事

The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom premiered on CBS on September 24,2007. Set in Pasadena, California, the show is centered around five characters:four nerds and a pretty girl.The four nerds, all having high IQ and possessing outstanding talent in scientific field, namely, experimental physicist Leonard Hofstadter, theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper, aerospace engineer Howard Wolowitz and particle astrophysicist Rajesh Koothrappali.And the girl, Penny, is an attractive blonde waitress.


The working of the plot mainly relies on the anecdotes happened between the four guys and Penny. After Penny walked into the four nerds'lives, their lives became more colorful and full of humors.Without serious themes or complicated and inciting stories, the development of the plot owes to the sharp contrast between the four nerds and Penny.Generally, the geekiness and intellectual of the four guys are contrasted with Penny's social skills and common sense.Hence, innumerable comic effects are created and achieved.Talking of the elements in the serial, we can find some obvious ones.Firstly and most obviously, it is the scientifc element.Indeed, much of the show focuses on science, particularly physics.The four main male characters are employed at Caltech and have science-related occupations.Then, it is Leonard and Penny's relationship, regarded as the only mainline of the plot that promoting the development of the plot.Certainly, without the romantic element, the show is dull and boring.


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