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A:Now,Mr.Chen,I ve compared your quotation with the prevailing market prices and with that of other origins,and I find your price is really high.这么说吧,陈先生,我把你方的报价和现行市场价格进行了比较,也和其他产地的价格进行了比较,发现你方价格真的太高了。

B:But this is the best quotation we can make.We consider it a rock bottom price indeed.但这是我们的最优惠报价,我们认为真的是较低价了。

A:I m sorry to hear that.But we still find no way to accept your quotation.听你这么说我感到很遗憾,但我们仍然无法接受你方的报价。

B:Mr.Green,I think you will agree that our products are of the best quality compared with similar products in the world.What s more,they are brightly colored and beautifully designed.格林先生,与世界上其他类似产品比较,我们产品的质量属于上乘,我想您同意这一点吧。还有,我们的产品颜色鲜亮,设计精美。

A:I agree.But you know,no material,however attractive,will sell well if it s too expensive.We must always bear in mind the fact that all of us are operating in a highly competitive world market.我同意,但是你知道,无论材料多么诱人,价格太高也无法畅销。我们必须牢记这样一个事实,我们都在一个竞争激烈的国际市场中经营。

B:Well then,what s the price you would pay?那您说,您想出什么价格?

A:The best we can accept is US $280 per bale,CIF Sydney.我们最多能接受每包280美元的价格,悉尼到岸价。

B:Did you say 280?你说的是280美元?


B:But,the best we can do is to reduce our price by $10and I should think we could strike a deal at $310.但是,我们最多减价10美元,我想我们可以按310美元成交。

A:I do appreciate the effort you re making towards reaching an agreement,but frankly speaking,the gap between your price and mine is still enormous.I really don t see how we can go above $290.我很赞赏你方为达成协议所作的努力,但是坦率地说,我们双方的价格差异仍然很大,我真的对高于290美元的价格无可奈何。

B:Sorry,we may not be able to sell anything near that price.很遗憾,接近那个价格我们根本不想卖。

A:That would be a pity,indeed.那确实令人感到遗憾。

B:One thing I want to make clear is whether the quantity you ordered can be bigger.我必须弄明白一件事情,您订购的数量能否更大。

A:If that is the question,then the answer is yes.I would order 300 bales more.如果问题是这样,那么答案是肯定的。我会多订购300包。

B:Then,the price will be US $295per bale,CIF Sydney.那么,价格是每包295美元,悉尼到岸价。

A:Is it possible 290?290美元可能成交吗?

B:I couldn t have said it any more.我不想再多说了。

A:I m in a difficult position.It s beyond my capability to decide it.我感到很为难,这个价格超出了我的决策能力。

B:In that case,let me think it over.Now I have to say that my rockbottom price is US $292per bale,CIF Sydney.Anything lower than this is impossible.既然是这样,让我再好好考虑一下。没有别的办法了,较低价每包292美元吧,悉尼到岸价。再低就免谈了。

A:All right.Considering our newlyestablished business relationship and the good quality of your product,I accept your lowered price of $292per bale,CIF Sydney to be delivered in July this year.好吧。考虑到我们新建立的商业关系和你们优质的产品,我接受你的降价,每包292美元,悉尼到岸价,本年度7月交货。

B:Then,with this settled,I hope we will have no difficulty in reaching an agreement concerning terms of payment.那么,这事儿商定了,我想对付款条件达成协议是没有困难了。

A:I hope so.希望如此。

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