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A:Mr. Steven, what s your idea of price?Steven先生,你怎么看这个价格?

B:The best we can do is $ 120 per case.我们比较高能做的是每箱120美元。

A:I m afraid that s quite impossible. You can t expect us to reduce it to that extent.恐怕不可能,你不能指望我们把价格降得那么低。

B:I think you are well informed about the prevailing market. Some Spanish firms are offering the same at much lower prices.我认为你们对现行市价十分了解。一些西班牙公司报同等货品的价格要低得多。

A:Price can t be taken separately from quality. A comparison of the quality of our products with that of rival goods will show you that ours is far more superior.价格不能与质量分开,将我们产品的质量与竞争对手产品的质量比较,你们就会发现我方产品的质量要好得多。

B:It is true yours are of better quality. But your price is still on the high side even if we take quality into consideration. How about meeting each other half way?的确你们的质量要好一些。但即使将这一点考虑在内,你们的价格还是偏高,我们各自让一半如何?

A:Well, I ll have to think about it and give you a reply 30 minutes later.那么我必须得想一想,30分钟后给你回话。

B:Take your time please.不着急。

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