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北京是我们伟大祖国的首都,全国的政治中心和文化中心。 下面小编为大家整理的关于北京的英语对话,希望对大家有用!


A: There are so many historical resorts in Beijing.

B: Yes, it has a history of over 3000 years.

A: It is a pity that some old city walls were demolished when constructing roads and modern buildings.

B: Yes. Liang Sicheng once proposed to build a new capital in order to preserve the old buildings in Beijing.

A: Now the city is growing larger and people keep flowing in.

B: These may be some “side effects” of development.

A: You are right. After all, there are much more opportunities here in Beijing.

A: 北京有这么多历史古迹啊。

B: 对,它有超过三千年的历史。

A: 很遗憾在建设道路和现代建筑的时候,有些老城墙被拆除了。

B: 没错。梁思成曾经建议修建一座新首都来保护北京的古建筑。

A: 现在北京城还在扩大,人们源源不断地来到这里。

B: 也许这就是发展的“副作用”吧。

A: 这话不假。毕竟北京有更多发展机会。

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