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北京大学(Peking University)简称“北大”,诞生于1898年,初名京师大学堂,是中国近代第一所国立大学,下面小编为大家整理的北京大学英语对话,希望对大家有用!


A: Walking on the campus of Peking University feels like walking in an imperial garden.

B: That's right. The campus was indeed an imperial garden and is sited near the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace.

A: It must be very enjoyable to study at Peking University.

B: The students all work very hard. It's quite hard for them to enter this top university in China.

A: I think their diligence has been rewarded by studying here. Oh, I've been told that the Weiming lake in the north of the campus is beautiful.

B: Yes, it is one of the landmarks at Peking University. The 13-floor high Boya Pagoda is the tallest building on the campus.

A: I couldn't wait to see it. Let's go.

A: 走在北大的校园里真像走在皇家园林里一样。

B: 没错,这个校园以前确实是皇家园林,而且距离颐和园和圆明园都很近。

A: 在北大学习一定是件令人享受的事。

B: 学生们都很用功。他们考入这所中国一流大学也是挺不容易的。

A: 我想他们的勤奋努力已经得到回报。噢,我听说校园北边的未名湖很漂亮。

B: 是呀,它是北大地标之一。有13层高的博雅塔是校园里比较高的建筑。

A: 我等不及要去瞧瞧了。咱们走。

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