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A: Have you ever come to the Sanlitun bar street?

B: Just once, but that time I came in the afternoon.

A: So you didn't go to any bar?

B: No, I just went shopping. This time I must enjoy the nightlife to my heart's content!

A: I cannot agree more. Last summer I went to Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong and had great fun. I hope this time I can be even happier.

B: I think you will and remember to take care of your belongings.

A: Ah, yes. There will be very crowded.

A: 你以前来过三里屯酒吧街吗?

B: 只有一次,不过是下午来的。

A: 那你没去酒吧?

B: 对,我只购物去了。这次我一定要好好享受夜生活!

A: 我也这么想。去年夏天我去了香港的兰桂坊,玩得很不错。我希望这次能更开心一些。

B: 一定会的,还有,记得照看好你的随身物品。

A: 啊,对。一定会非常拥挤的。

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