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A: Look at the stadium over there. It looks like a huge bird's nest!

B: Yes, that's what we usually call it, the Bird's Nest. Its official name is Beijing National Stadium.

A: This stadium is quite different from those I have seen. Are the “branches” made of steel?

B: Yes. They are called trussed columns and each one weighs 1,000 tons.

A: I noticed that the eastern and western stands are higher than northern and southern stands.

B: It is designed in order to improve sightlines of the audience.

A: I'm very impressed. It is not only a stadium, but also a great work of art.

A: 看那边的体育场。真像个巨大的鸟巢啊!

B: 没错,我们一般叫它鸟巢。它的正式名称是北京国家体育场。

A: 和我以前见到的体育馆很不一样。那些“枝条”是钢制的吗?

B: 是的。那些叫做桁架,每个重达一千吨。

A: 我注意到东西两侧的看台比南北两侧的高。

B: 这样的设计是为了改善观众的视线。

A: 太了不起了。这不仅是一个体育场,还是一件伟大的艺术品。

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