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Eileen Chang (1920—1995) was a legendary female Chinese writer. Her most famous works include Love in a Fallen City, The Golden Cangue, Half Life Fate and Lust, Caution.


Chang was born into an aristocratic family in Shanghai in 1920, with a birth name of Zhang Ying. Chang's paternal grandmother was the daughter of Li Hongzhang, an influential court official during the Qing Dynasty. Her father. deeply traditional in his ways. was an opium addict; her mother. partly educated in England, was a sophisticated woman of cosmopolitan tastes. Their unhappy marriage ended in divorce, and in 1938 Chang eventually ran away from her father and her stepmother.


In 1931, Chang began to study in Saint Maria Girls' School, an all-female Christian high school in Shanghai, where she had showed great talent in literature. Although she was admitted by London University later, she failed to go for study because of the intense warfare, so she went to the University of Hong Kong to study literature in1919. The Japanese attack on the city in 1941 forced her to return to occupied Shanghai where she was able to publish the stories and essays that soon made her a literary star. In 1944 Chang married Hu Lancheng, whose infidelities led to their divorce three years later. Chang immigrated to the United States in 1955. She married a the American screenwriter Ferdinand Reyher in 1956 and worked as a screenwriter for a Hong Kong film studio for a number of years,.From1969 to 1972, she had a position as a researcher at Berkeley. She moved from New York to Los Angeles in 1972 and became a hermit during her last years. Eileen Chang was found dead in her Los Angeles apartment in September 1995.


She is noted for her fiction writings that deal with the tensions between men and women in love, and her works are considered by some scholars to be among the best Chinese literature of the period. Chang's portrayal of life in 1940s Shanghai and Japanese-occupied Hong Kong is remarkable in its focus on everyday life and the absence of the political subtext which characterised many other writers of the period. A poet and a professor at University of Southern California, Dominic Cheung, said that "had it not been for the political division between the Nationalist and Communist Chinese, she would have almost certainly won a Nobel Prize".


Chang's enormous popularity and famed image were in distinct contrast to her personal life, which was marked by disappointment, tragedy, increasing reclusiveness.


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