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Ruan Lingyu (April 26, 1910-March 8, 1935). formerly called Ruan Fenggen, was born in Shanghai in 1910 to a working-class family. As one of the most prominent Chinese film stars of the 1930s, the silent film period, she died at the age of 24 and that made her an icon of Chinese cinema.


In 1926, to help make ends meet, Ruan signed up for the then prominent Mingxing Film Studio. She made her first film A Married Couple in Name Only at the age of 16. In 1928, she signed for Da Zhonghua Baihe Company where she shot 6 films. Later, she signed for the newly-formed Lianhua Studio in 1930, and there she became a major film star. The Goddess in the year 1934 is often hailed as the pinnacle of Chinese silent cinema; Ruan sympathetically portrayed a prostitute bringing up a child. Later that year, Ruan made her penultimate film, New Women. In her short life, she acted in 29 films in total. She successfully portrayed the women of varied social classes, and was praised as the Greta Garbo or Ingrid Bergman in China.


Ruan was brought up by her mother working as a housemaid. At the age of 16 Ruan became acquainted with Zhang Damin, whose family her mother was working for. Zhang was later driven out of his wealthy family due to his spendthrift life and became a chronic gambler, supported by Ruan's salary. Unable to tolerate Zhang's gambling addiction, Ruan split with him in 1933. Ruan began cohabiting with Tang Jishan, a tea tycoon. In 1935, Zhang filed a lawsuit to claim compensation from Ruan. The tabloids seized on this opportunity to probe into Ruan's private life and put Ruan under intense pressure.


Faced with these public issues as well as with intense private problems, Ruan poisoned herself with an overdose of barbiturates in Shanghai on March 8,1935 at the age of 24. Her released death note apparently contained a line which says "Gossip is a fearful thing"(人言可畏). Even China's preeminent intellectual Lu Xun was appalled at the details surrounding Ruan's death and wrote an essay entitled"Gossip is a Fearful Thing" to denounce the tabloids. Her funeral procession was reportedly 3 miles (4.8 km) long with three women committing suicide during the event.


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