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Mr. Buchanan lists six factors that contribute to the DINK lifestyle and explain why today’s culture mocks “the old idea that the good life for a woman means a husband and a houseful of kids.” He says that powerful collateral forces are “pulling American women away from the maternity ward forever.” Here are the six factors:

1. The new economy. Industry offers pay and benefits to lure talented women who compete with men in the marketplace. Many choose careers or one-time motherhood and love the work challenge. They stay. With women working, poor families get richer and begin to downsize. And as nations get richer, history shows, they begin to die. Meanwhile, poor families are growing. Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Mt. 5:5 KJV)

2. End of the “family wage”. As women’s pay soared, men’s dropped, and marriage and family size suffered. Young men earned too little for marriage and a family. Young women found independence and delayed marriage, or just didn’t marry at all. Some settled for the DINK role and the end of the “family wage” was a factor.

3. The “population bomb” hysteria. Heading up another of his Chicken Little operations was former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara, the man who micromanaged the Vietnam War into disaster. This time, he was warning that population growth would cause poverty, crowding and frustration that would threaten social, economic and military stability. And this time he was wrong again, as the poor continued to multiply.

4. Feminism. “Women’s liberation” has become the rage. It would free women of their roles of wife, mother and homemaker. Feminists have had successes: a tenfold increase in unmarried couples living together since 1970. Husband-wife families are now only one in four. Singles living alone are now 26 percent of the adult population.

5. The popular culture puts the joys of sex far above the happiness of motherhood. Indeed, sex, career and the single woman dominate in advertising and entertainment. Marriage and family are downplayed, and the DINKs are helping.

6. The collapse of the moral order. Today, “shacking up” is just a“relationship”, half of all marriages end in divorce, and abortion is a“fallback” position and women will vote against any politician or party that threatens to take it away.

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