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1. It is necessary_____(我们赶上)the world's advanced levels.

2. His remarks left me_____(想知道他的真实目的).

3._____(在高速公路上抛锚),his car was carried away by the police.

4._____(在市区超速)violates traffic regulations.

5. She felt nervous with_____(众多的目光聚集在她身上).

6. When I_____(发现他编我)I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.

7. He raised his voice in order to_____(为T能让观众听 到).

8. Last week, Tom and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, _____(尽情地唱歌跳舞).

9. It's no good_____(试图说服他不干那件事).

10._____(一切准备就绪)·they began to make a new experiment.

Exercise 2


1_____(尽管很年轻),he is now a exclusive sale manager in a multinationa

2. I'll go shopping with you_____(我一打扫完厨房).

3. Is this the reason_____(他拒绝我们邀约)?

4._____(发生T巨大的变化)since then in the factory where we are working.

5. The money I earned now_____(是两年前的两倍).

6. I'd like to call on my former professor_____(我在北京出差期间).

7. Mary found_____(妥协是比较好的策略)when she had an argument with her husband.

8._____(尽管他被认为是一位伟大的作家),his works are not widely read.

9.We shouldn't do that dangerous experiment_____(除非老师和我们在一起).

10.Not until my third year in high school_____(我才意识到学外语的重要性).


Exercise 1

1. for us to catch up with

2. wondering about his real purpose

3. Broken down on the high way

4.Speeding in downtown areas

5. so many eyes fixed on her

6. caught him cheating me

7. make himself heard by the audience

8. singing and dancing to their heart's content

9. tryng to persuade him not to do that

10. Everything prepared


1. Young as he is

2. as soon as I've cleaned up the kitchen

3. why he refused our offer

4. Great changes have taken place

5. is twice as much as I used to two years ago

6. while I am on business in Beijing

7. that compromise was always the best policy

8. Although he is considered a great writer

9. unless the teacher is with us

10. did I realize the importance of learning a foreign language



1. It is necessary_____(我们赶上)the world's advanced levels.

2. His remarks left me_____(想知道他的真实目的).

3._____(在高速公路上抛锚),his car was carried away by the police.

4._____(在市区超速)violates traffic regulations.

5. She felt nervous with_____(众多的目光聚集在她身上).

6. When I_____(发现他编我)I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.

7. He raised his voice in order to_____(为T能让观众听 到).

8. Last week, Tom and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, _____(尽情地唱歌跳舞).

9. It's no good_____(试图说服他不干那件事).

10._____(一切准备就绪)·they began to make a new experiment.

Exercise 2


1_____(尽管很年轻),he is now a exclusive sale manager in a multinationa

2. I'll go shopping with you_____(我一打扫完厨房).

3. Is this the reason_____(他拒绝我们邀约)?

4._____(发生T巨大的变化)since then in the factory where we are working.

5. The money I earned now_____(是两年前的两倍).

6. I'd like to call on my former professor_____(我在北京出差期间).

7. Mary found_____(妥协是比较好的策略)when she had an argument with her husband.

8._____(尽管他被认为是一位伟大的作家),his works are not widely read.

9.We shouldn't do that dangerous experiment_____(除非老师和我们在一起).

10.Not until my third year in high school_____(我才意识到学外语的重要性).


Exercise 1

1. for us to catch up with

2. wondering about his real purpose

3. Broken down on the high way

4.Speeding in downtown areas

5. so many eyes fixed on her

6. caught him cheating me

7. make himself heard by the audience

8. singing and dancing to their heart's content

9. tryng to persuade him not to do that

10. Everything prepared


1. Young as he is

2. as soon as I've cleaned up the kitchen

3. why he refused our offer

4. Great changes have taken place

5. is twice as much as I used to two years ago

6. while I am on business in Beijing

7. that compromise was always the best policy

8. Although he is considered a great writer

9. unless the teacher is with us

10. did I realize the importance of learning a foreign language

标签:英语四级翻译题目 英语四级翻译题目


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