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【What you do】

1. I'm a / an (+ job).

e.g. a nurse / an accountant / a builder

2. I work in (+ place or general area).

e.g. a hospital / an office marketing / social

3. I work for (+ name / place of the company).

e.g. Union Bank / IBM / Fiat / an international bank

【What your job involves】

4. I'm in charge of

e.g. a big company

5. I'm responsible for

e.g. some workers in that department

6. I have to deal with

e.g. any complaints / overseas clients, mainly

7. I run

e.g. the company / a restaurant

8. I manage

e.g. a shop in downtown

【Daily duties / routines】

9. I have to go / attend (fml)

e.g. (to) a lot of meetings / conferences

10. I visit / see / meet

e.g. patients / clients

11. I advise

e.g. people / clients and give them help...

12. It involves

e.g. writing letters / filling in forms / doing a lot of paperwork / using computers a lot of the time

【Getting a job】

13. It's not easy to get / find work

e.g. in big cities / round these parts

14. I'd love to do

e.g. marketing / this kind of work

15. It's difficult to make a living as a / an

e.g. freelance writer

16. I've been offered a job

e.g. in that company / in London

17. I've applied for a job

e.g. in a local company / in the accounts department

【Working hours】

18. I have a nine-to-five job / I work nine-to-five

(regular working hours in Britain)

19. I do / work shift work.

(nights one week, days next)

20. I am on flexi-time.

(flexible working hours)

21. I have to do / work overtime.

(work extra hours)

22. I only work part-time / take a part-time job.

(part of a day or a few days a week)

23. I am a workaholic. I work full-time.

(work too much)

24. I took early retirement.

(retire at 55 in Britain)

25. I am on / take sick leave.

(a period spent away from work, etc. because of illness)

26. I am on / take maternity leave.

(expecting a baby)

27. I gave up work

e.g. in order to study

28. I was laid off

e.g. when the factory went bust

29. I was made redundant.

(no longer needed and therefore out of work)

30. I was dismissed

e.g. for refusing to obey orders

31. I was fired

e.g. for always being late

I am on / off duty.

(to be working / not working)


Q. What's your name?

A. My name is Marco Guido. You can call me Marco.

Q. Are you working or studying?

A. I am currently working in a Bank in Italy.

Q. How long have you been working for this company?

A. I have been working for this Bank for the last one year. To be more precise, it would be 14 months now.

Q. What are you main duties?

A. I work there as a senior officer and my main responsibility is to take care of the bank customers including registering their complaints, issuing cheque books, doing transactions, helping my co-workers etc.

Q. What do you like about work you do?

A. I had almost no experience in banking and financial sector before I joined the Bank. I have learned how the Banking sector function, how it helps rolling the economy of the country, how it contribute to ensure the money supply in the market and how financial world function. I am yet to learn a lot but I would say I have learned a lot in the last 14 months. The opportunity to learn is the most important aspect that I really love about my job. The working environment, the coworkers and the salary structure are other attractive things I like about this job.

Q. What do you want to change or improve in it?

A. I would recommend more Bank account types for different segments of population, also adding innovative and modern banking and more transparency in the Bank business. The bank is pretty organized and structures in Italy. There would be very little to change. But in terms of adding innovation there are still plenty of scopes to implement.


Describe your dream job when you were young

You should say:

- what kind of job it was

- where did you learn about it

- what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

and explain why it was your dream job.


When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs. The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.

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