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雅思写作题目:The past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences. Nowadays, places all over the world are more and more similar. What are the causes of the similarity? Do you think the advantages of this problem outweigh the disadvantages?


雅思雅思写作题目的写作都需要有观点,但仅凭第一直觉是没办法完成整篇文章的。brainstorming 和outlining的重要性在这里就不多说明了,在课堂上我们已经重复过多次原因和如果brainstorming以及outlining。

对于利弊雅思写作题目需要注意的是:无论雅思写作题目中是否指明"outweigh"或"exceed",都需要讨论这个事物的利弊两方面。因为世界上没有完全绝对的事 情,议论文必然有对立双方,所以不可能只讨论其中一边,比如只有利或只有弊。这样看起来貌似很强势,但是其实是缺少辩证能力的表现。


Every city has its architectural character, but the similarities between cities are more obvious these days than in the past. In my opinion, one reason for this is the high price of land.

In most large cities, land is scarce and consequently it is very valuable. This has led to the constructionof tall buildings which occupy only a small area of land while providing lots of floor space where people can live or work. Buildings of this type are made of concrete and steel and can be built comparatively quickly using prefabricated materials. They do not use local materials, such as stone, timber or brick. In consequence, many cities now look very much the same and you might not know whether you were in Brisbane, Bangkok or Berlin when you are on the street.

While I realize that we cannot stand in the way of progress, I believe that cities should try to keep some individuality. For example, in Paris it is prohibited to build very tall buildings in the center of the city, as this would spoil the overall appearance of the skyline.

Other cities have chosen to design unique buildings to ensure they look different. The twin towers in Kuala Lump or the Opera House in Sydney are examples of this approach, and I agree with this kind of initiative.

All in all, although it is regrettable that modern cities look similar, I tend to feel that this is unavoidable. However, it can be argued that, even if the buildings are similar, cities will maintain their own character as a result of cultural diversity, the terrain and the climate, which ultimately determine how people live.


Topic: Should old buildings be destroyed and replaced with modern ones?








Like a native language, many historic buildings form a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country, so they possess significant value to research into the past and play an important function in the education of future generations.


For example. Westminster Abbey in London, and the Forbidden City in Beijing, as icons and landmarks of the city and nation, attract countless tourists every year, which brings millions of dollars in revenue for the government.


Some of them do need to be torn down, partly because of safety concerns, and partly because they need to be replaced to meet the need of social development such as to raise the utilization rate of land.


1.Modern buildings are appearing in large numbers. Some people believe that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

思路分析:有些具有历史意义的区域,新建的建筑风格应该跟它保持一致,这样体现了对历史文化的尊重和保护(respect and protect the traditional culture and historical heritage). 有些建筑可以建成现代风格(modern style),例如写字楼(office buildings/towers),应该以发挥功能为主(serve its purpose)或者体现多样性(diversity of styles),例如 北京的鸟巢(bird nest)充满了创造性(full of creativity)

2.It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about producing a building as a work of art. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

思路分析:房子不管是家庭居住还是办公,需要有实用价值。例如水电,空调暖气等,如果只考虑外观,居住者会受到一些影响。 同时还要注意房屋建筑的设计要能跟周围的环境和谐,这样既能保持传统,又能满足现代的需要。


1. The name of the building

首先,作为建筑类话题的开篇,首先要介绍的是建筑的名字。关于建筑名称的翻译,从实际的教学反馈中得出,有一些考生认为中国有一些很有特色的楼,但是关于具体的名字就很难说清楚了。然而,国外的建筑几乎每个楼都有自己的名字,例如:澳大利亚悉尼大学较大的图书馆叫fisher。而中国的图书馆则往往没有特殊的名字,在这种情况下,考生则可根据建筑的隶属关系来翻译,比如Nanjing University library(南大图书馆)。

另一种情况是,有些建筑往往由一些名人赞助,故会以这些名人的名字来命名。而这个名人的名字考官则不一定会熟悉,在这种情况下,考官可能会感到考生口中的部分中文人名较为疑惑。所以,在这种情况下,建议考生介绍一下此命名的由来和历史,来引起考官的兴趣点。例如,逸夫楼,可以介绍为Yifu Building, which was donated by the king of movie from Hong Kong——Mr. Shao yifu.

2. The location of the building


3. The fame of the building

关于建筑物的’地位’也是关于建筑的基本信息之一。一般而言,之所以挑选这个建筑来作为回答,必定有这建筑物的独到之处。例如,the landmark(地标性建筑), the soul of the city(一个城市的灵魂), unique(独特)等等。

4. The deion of the exterior of the building


The building is roughly 32 levels high, which was wrapped by glasses. The building was dedicated designed that seems like a pen from the outside.

5. The deion of interior of the building


The fisher library is a modern style building, which can be counted as one of the best in south hemisphere. In the lobby of the first floor, you will find the reception desk on the right hand and the self-study area in the left side. From the second level to the seventh level are all reading rooms where arrange thousands of bookshelves, which are covered, with books of all the disciplines.

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