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In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? 在一些国家,人们的体重在增加,健康指数在下降,请分析这些问题的原因以及提出解决方法?

As reported by numerous non-government organizations, it seems to be an inevitable trend that increasing number of people,ranging from developing countries to the developed ones, are now facing with obesityproblem. Plenteous medical institutions have already proved that countless diseases could be associated with one’s overweight. Doctors have found that the blood lipid level in an overweight person is usually out of the normal range, which might contribute to high risks of liver disease, heart attack and so on.Considering the severity of fatness, it is of great necessity to analyze the underlying causes and ascertain some recommendations.

The potential factors triggering one’s overweight are manifold. Here, some of them will be analyzed. The most essential reason engenders people’s obesity in millions of countries is the availability of more and more foods that are high in nutritional value.Virtually, Due to the prosperity of the economy and the betterment of people’s standard of living, modern people now could afford to satisfy their stomachs via enjoying various delicious foods, which usually contain excessive fat, sugar or calories. Imaginably, too much intake of over-nutritious foods will definitely make one put on weight.

Another contributing factor lies in the sonic lifestyle and the fierce competition. More precisely, The ever-accelerating modern life make a great many people have no alternative but to resort to fast foods. The popularity of more and more fast food restaurants, such as KFC or Mcdonalds, account for people’s fondness of junk foods. Owing to the high pace of modern life modern people, especially schoolchildren, are more likely to opt for fast foods when feeling stressful or hard-pressed for time. Unfortunately, problems ensued, researchers have found that those fast foods containing high level of cholesterol and high energyare fat inducing factors and could easily result in people's overweight.

After investigating the reasons of fatness, it is high time that we explored some effective methods. For the first cause, it is advisablefor those fat people to acquire more knowledge about wholesome dietary habit. For the second one, although we can do nothingto change the rapid life-style, we l can still make some changes. It would be better for people to turn to a new fast food with low lipid and energy, or to exercise regularly to consume those extra energy including in fast foods. Only in this way, can people lead a better, healthier and more enjoyable life in the long run.


Nowadays more and more kids are getting fatter and being less fit in some countries. What do you think are the causes? How to solve the problem?小孩肥胖愈来愈多,身体愈来愈不好,原因与对策?



1 首段最后一句话要有过渡句来告诉考官这篇作文要写什么内容(类似于议论文的表明观点)

2 每段开头要有中心句总结本段内容(时刻记得结论先行)

3 需要特别注意的是,这种原因+解决方案的组合方式,原因和解决方案应该是一一对应的

4 report也一定要有总结段,不要把solution和总结段合在一起写



Obesity has become one of the biggest challenges for people in the 21st century and it has posed a great threat to children’s health condition. Therefore,the factors responsible for this problem will be discussed in this report and then the feasible solutions will be given accordingly.

The prevalence of fast food and the lack of exercise should be blamed for this worrying trend. The quick meal has long been accused of being high in fat,salt and calories and it is always served in large portions. However,these hamburgers,fried chickens and pizzas are warmly welcome among children,leading to the fact that the number of obese minors have significantly increased. Besides,the excessive reliance on technology and the heavy academic burden give rise to the neglect of workout. Children are commonly seen seating in the classroom and cars instead of running on the playground or treadmill.

The responsibility of solving the problem mentioned above falls on government and schools. The former,with its administrative power entrusted by citizens,can make laws to constrain the spread of fast food. To be more specific,imposing heavy tax on fast food industry is a good way worth trying. As for the latter,it directly cultivates and affects children’s way of life,including eating habits. That is to say,schools have the compelling obligation to lead their students to eat healthily through compulsory lessons,extracurricular activities or some warm-up or quiz before class.

In conclusion,the fatness of children is mainly attributed to two reasons. To settle this problem,the policymakers should limit the proliferation of fast food industry and schools are supposed to highlight the importance of wholesome eating habits.

雅思写作范文losing weight

题目:The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Owing to the problems which a growing population of overweight people cause for the health care system, some people think that the key to solving these issues is to have more sport and exercise in schools. In my opinion,I completely agree that this is the best way to tackle the issue of deteriorating public health in relation to weight.

Firstly, dealing with the issues 【surrounding obesity and weight problems 】is best solved 【by taking a long term approach and introducing more sport and exercise in schools. 】This method will ensure that the next generation will be healthier and will not have such health problems. At the moment ,the average child in the West does sport possibly twice a week, which is not enough to counteract their otherwise sedentary lifestyle. However, by incorporating more sports classes into the curriculum as well as encouraging extracurricular sports activities, they will undoubtedly become fitter and more active.

Another point to consider is that having more sports lessons for children in schools will probably result in children developing an interest in exercise which might filter through to other members of their family and have a longer lasting effect. In other words, parents with sporty children are more likely to get involved in sport as a way of encouraging their children. By both parents and children being involved, it will ensure that children grow up to incorporate sport into their daily lives. This is certainly a natural and lasting way to improve public health.

In conclusion, to deal with an increasing population of unfit, overweight people, changing the lifestyle of the coming generation by introducing sport in schools is the easiest and most effective method to use.

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