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She Did It All

The woman I'm writing about is my mother. She's the greatest one in my life. Myfather had been in jail a lot and my mother had four girls to take care of. Mymother and father got divorced after my mom had my older sister and I . Theywere remarried in 1989 and had two more girls. My mother had to work many hoursto get what we needed. When my father was home, he was always drunk. We’ve movedto so many places that we couldn't make friends because by the time we hadfriends, we moved and couldn't talk to them.

My mother had to do it all. She would do without for what we needed. It was hardon her, but she never showed it. She was always smiling and never sad. My motheris the most caring person I’ve ever known. She's living with my father again,along with my two little sisters and I . I'm fifteen years old and am glad wheneveryone tells me I look like my mother.






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