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Mom's Crows

Every morning at precisely eight o’clock I’d make my usual call to my mother. Itwas our way of starting each day on a bright note. When the weather was good andMom was in better health, she’d often answer the phone outside on the backporch.

I remember calling one time and hearing quite a commotion going on in thebackground. I asked her what it was. She told me that it was just “her birds”saying good morning.

She explained there were three very large black crows thatwould appear on her back porch each and every day, morning, noon, and night. ToMom, these birds represented her mother, sister, and brother, who had all died.

The crows made it a point to arrive every time she was outside. Other times,when the weather didn't permit, she could still see her birds freely flying allaround the yard.Mom was quite ill at this time, so my sisters and I began staying with her ather house. One Monday morning when my sisters and I got up after a rathersleepless night, the three crows were walking up and down Mom's driveway. Theyseemed to be pacing back and forth, uncertain of what to do. The next time Ilooked out, they were nowhere to be seen.

As the morning went on, Mom's breathing became more labored. We all took turnstelling our mother that it was okay for her to go. We told her that we’d be allright and we just wanted her to be at peace. She continued to breathe.

I kneeled on the floor beside the couch where she was lying and I took her hand.

I looked out the window and I saw her birds across the road, happily flyingabove the nearby trees. I told Mom that her birds were back and they werelooking for her. I told her it was time for her to go and be with them. We allassured her it would be okay once she was gone.

Within a few minutes there were four large crows out in the driveway. She didit; she’d found them. I told her that we were all so proud of her. We told herto go and be free and happy. Five minutes later, she was gone. Her tired andfrail body had finally found some peace. She’d no longer have to worry aboutneedles to test her blood, tubes to provide oxygen to her lungs, or medicines tokeep her body functioning properly. She was now a free and happy spirit, soaringlike the wind. She was now our special angel.



[犹他州]亚密 L.豪特







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