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My Mother's Love Kept Me Alive

Growing up, my mother always told me to get an education before marrying someoneand settling down. After graduating from high school, I took her advice andearned a four year degree from a local college and started my career as anelementary school teacher. My mother was thrilled that I had my degree becauseshe’d always told me that a degree was the one thing no person could ever takefrom me.

Then something happened that would change the course of my life forever. Mymother had never told me that the whole time I’d been away at college she hadn'tbeen feeling well. She was afraid I would quit school and come home if I knewshe was in poor health, and she didn't want me worrying about her.

After numerous tests, it was confirmed that my mother had terminal cancer anddidn't have long to live. To say that I was in shock would be an understatement.

I guess I had assumed that my mother would always be around, giving me adviceand guiding me through life as she always had.

The next few weeks were a blur of hospitals, surgeries, and chemotherapy. It wasan emotional roller coaster for her, and for me, as well. Watching the mostimportant person in my life change from a vibrant person to one who wassuffering immensely was the hardest thing that I’d ever been through.

The day before my mother passed away, I was at her bedside holding her hand. Idon't think I will ever forget the last words she spoke to me.“I know I haven'tprepared you well enough for the hardships that you will face in life.” Ofcourse, at that time, I had no clue what she meant. Shortly after that, she wentinto a coma and quietly passed away the next day.

After grieving for several months, I knew I had to pull myself together and geton with my life. I was thankful I still had my teaching job. If it hadn't beenfor the love and support of my students and coworkers, I might have crawled intoa hole somewhere and never come out.

Over the next years, I still felt basically alone. It was at this time in mylife that I discovered what my mother was talking about when she felt that shehadn't totally prepared me for all of life's hardships. I was lonely and scared,trying to find some companionship in my life that had some meaning, but I made alot of mistakes along the way.

When I was twenty five, I met a guy, got married, and finally had someone toshare my life with. Shortly after marrying, we discovered that we were expectingour first child. I was excited about having a child, but there were times when Iwould be overcome with sadness, and sometimes anger, at the fact that my motherwas taken from me at the time when I needed her most.

Finally, the time came for my baby to be born. It was a very long and difficultlabor, and I had to be taken into emergency surgery after being transferred toanother hospital. I knew I was in serious danger, and I was worried about mybaby's life.

I remember lying on the operating table, scared to death, and all of a sudden, Ifelt a presence in the room. A feeling of calmness overcame me, and I felt agentle squeeze on my hand. Right then and there, I knew my mother was in theroom with me. After that, my body relaxed and I knew everything was going to befine. My mother was there for her unborn grandchild and for me.

After I woke up, the doctor came in to see me. He explained that when I wasbrought to the hospital I, as well as my baby, had only had a few more minutesto live. He also told me that it was a miracle that my baby and I had survivedat all. I smiled and thanked him for saving our lives.

I learned from that experience to never doubt a mother's love. It is morepowerful than anything in this world. Now I have two beautiful daughters who areseventeen and eighteen years old, and I try to prepare them for all thehardships they may face. I also tell them to get their educations beforesettling down with someone and having children of their own.

I only hope I’ve prepared my children for the hard things they may face in life.

But I hope to be with them in any way I can, just as my mother was for me.

















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