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Grateful Ever Since

It was Christmas Eve of 1990 and I woke up feeling achy and feverish. I had beenfine the day before. I was scheduled to go visit my mother for Christmas Evedinner with my mother and current boyfriend. By the time I got to my mother's, Iwas burning up. I got my boyfriend to take my kids over to my ex husband's so Iwouldn't ruin their holiday and they could spend time with their father.

My mother put me to bed and made me tea, gave me aspirin—anything she couldthink of. Nothing worked. I was like that for the whole week. My mother wasfrantic; I was afraid to fall asleep because I felt like I was falling.

Finally, on New Year's Eve, so exhausted and overmedicated, and with my motherpraying by my side, I let go and fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt I was in anairport and I saw many different people around me, each person holding a manilaenvelope. Everyone boarded an up escalator, as did I. At the top of theescalator there stood a kind man, guiding people to their destinations.

When it became my turn, the man looked at my hands; I held no envelope. The mansmiled and put his hands on my shoulders. His touch was warm. The man said,“It'snot your time. You must go back.” He turned me, and I saw that the escalator I’drode up on was suddenly going down.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I rushed to take my temperature. My fever had broken!

I ran to my mother's bedroom to tell her and she must’ve thanked God a milliontimes over. So did I, and I’ve been grateful ever since.









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