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The Special Word

My parents have seven children. Our eighty nine year old mother was very sickand in the hospital. The doctor wanted to speak to all of her children becausethings didn't look good.

I'm the youngest of the family. My brothers and I hadn't spoken to each otherfor many years. My eldest brother and I used to be very close, but we hadn'tspoken in sixteen years. Mother was a very religious, faithful person. Shealways wished, hoped, and prayed that one day we would all be a happy familyagain.

One day she wanted to say so much to us. Unfortunately, it was very difficultfor her. Inside, though, I had a deep feeling that something good was about tohappen. I sat on the floor, arms folded across my knees, crying and praying. Ialways wear a medal with the sacred heart of Jesus on it. I held the medal in myfist and prayed with all my heart. I asked Jesus to please help her saysomething—anything—so we’d be able to understand. Dear Jesus, I'm not asking formuch, just a little, special favor. You’ve always helped me. I just know thatYou’ll help her, too.

All of a sudden, I heard my mother say in a low voice,“Peace.”

I cried even harder then, because Jesus had answered my prayer. I got up fromthe floor and heard her again and again. That special word, peace, was saidthree times. Crying, we all kissed and hugged each other.

Mother's wish finally came true. The next day, she left us peacefully with asmile and went home with Jesus. We know now that she is happy and in a betterplace. One day we will meet again. We were truly blessed in preparation for herpassing, and I will always say,“ Thank you, Jesus.”










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