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She Helped Me Succeed

I dropped out of the eleventh grade in 1957, when I became pregnant with myfirst son. Five years later, my mother started nagging at me to go back to highschool, even though I was married by then, had two sons, and was working fulltime on an assembly line in a factory. My mother never went beyond the eighthgrade in school. She was born in Kentucky, where it was common for children todrop out of school to work the fields. But Mom had great respect for education.

She was determined that each of her six children would graduate from highschool.

Mom could be a very determined person when she was certain that she was rightabout something, and I knew she’d never let up about me going back to school. SoI registered for adult night classes. Two years later, after I graduated, Ifound a good job working in the commercial lending department of a bank.

Eventually, I returned to school again—this time to take some college courses.

If I hadn't finished high school, I wouldn't have gotten the job at the bank,nor would I have been admitted to college. Thanks to Mom's determination, Ididn't spend long, hard years working in a factory. The best way a parent canhelp a child succeed in life is by equipping that child with the proper tools.Mom did that for me.







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