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Music from Mom

My mother passed away in 1997. I miss her dearly. A year before her passing, mybrother and his wife got her a musical birthday card for her ninety firstbirthday. The card never played. We tried to somehow fix it, but it just didn'tplay.

When our dear mother passed away nine months later, I was saddened with grief. Ioften visited her at her home where she lived alone. I thought it was sad thatI’d never see or hear from her again.

The day after she died I went to her house to gather clothes in which to lay herto rest. As I walked into her house I was filled with a deep sadness. I realizedthat I’d never see her face or hear her voice greet me again. As I stood in herhouse with tears streaming down my face, I heard a sweet and lovely tune playingsomewhere in the house.

I stopped to listen. Where was the music coming from? I went from room to room,trying to locate the music. I neared a chest of drawers and opened one. There itwas. The musical card that never played before was now playing so sweetly. Ifelt a peaceful feeling within me.

The music kept on playing when I closed the card and opened it. I know now itwas a sign from my dear mother, as if to tell me,“Do not grief for me. I am atpeace at last, free from a pain that I suffered so many years.”

I knelt down and said a prayer for her and thanked her and God for giving me asign she is still with me. Be happy in heaven, dear Mother.



加拿大 A.特里恩







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