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《妈妈咪呀》Mamma Mia——我的爸爸去哪了?

If hearing ABBA songs makes you happy, then you're going to love Mamma Mia!Who knew that 70's pop icons ABBA would still be talked about so much today?Apparently screen writer/musical book writer Catherine Johnson did. Mamma Mia was already a Broadway smash hit, and now it's on the big screen and making a huge splash there too


This is definitely a great"girly"movie-a must for moms and daughters to see together. I will say though that there was a husband in the audience laughing just as much as the girls, if not more, so don't get frightened away boys!Amanda Seyfried(Mean Girls)stars as Sophie, a girl on the brink of getting married who feels incomplete, as she doesn't know whom her father is.While cleaning she finds her mom's(Meryl Streep)old diary from the year she was born and finds out her mom slept with three different men that summer.Any one of these men could be her long lost father!What's a girl to do?Sophie impulsively writes to all three men as her mother, and invites them to the wedding.The three men show up, unbeknownst to the mom, and then the story really gets good!Of course this is all set to ABBA music, it is a musical after all.The songs fit perfectly in with the story, even songs you think might not.


The three men of the movie-Colin Firth(Bridget Jones's Diary),Pierce Brosnan(The World is Not Enough),and Stellan Skarsgard(Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest)are wonderful. The three are different in their own way from each other, but also different from when they first met Sophie's mom.Yet they keep some of their younger traits, which seem to grow more and more apparent as the movie progresses.Some of my favorite parts of the movie were seeing the flashback pictures of each of the men, too funny!


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