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A: Mr. Jin,did you receive my email with our product specifications? How soon can you get us a quotation?

B: Yes,I did receive your email and I have been working on getting pricing done for you. I think your product specifications should be no problem for our factories to produce for you. What size order are you planning to make?

A: The size of the order depends on how low of a price I can get. Can you give me an idea of how much this might cost me? What's the best price you can offer?

B: Well,for an order of say,500 units,we can give you a price of$5. 95 per unit.

A: Is that the lowest price you can give? I'm sorry,but that's still higher than we want. Is there any way you can do better?

B: Well,depending on the requirements you have for delivery options, insurance,and production deadlines,we do have a little room for negotiations. The lowest price,which is EXW,is$3. 50. But that doesn't include any extras.

A: We're shopping around for the lowest price we can get on these. What kind of price can you give me with shipping to door?

B: Shipping to door? Well,again it depends on your order size and timeline, but I can probably give you a price of about$5. 50 per unit.

A: I appreciate your offer,but it's still over our budget. What can you do to help us with a lower price?




B:好的,以500件来说,我们可以给你每件5. 95元的价格。


B:那,根据你要求的交货方式、保险和生产时限,我们没有多少谈判的余地。较低价,也就是工厂交货价,是3. 5元,但是那没有任何附加条件。


B:送货上门?好的,还是要取决于你的订单大小和时限,但是我应该可以给你每件5. 5元的价格。


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