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A: This building is in traditional Chinese style. Do you know what it is called?

B: Yes. It is called Siheyuan in Chinese and Chinese quadrangles in English.

A: Quadrangles? You mean it consists of four buildings?

B: You are right. When you enter its yard, you'll find yourself surrounded by four buildings.

A: It's just like a villa! It must be very comfortable to live here.

B: Except for lacking some modern amenities, it's a wonderful place for a big family to live in.

A: I wish I could buy a Siheyuan in Beijing.

B: I'm afraid even a millionaire cannot afford one due to the rise of housing prices.

A: 这栋建筑有传统中国风格。你知道它叫什么吗?

B: 知道,这是四合院。

A: 四?是说它由四栋建筑构成吗?

B: 没错。进去后你会发现自己被四座建筑包围。

A: 就像别墅一样!住在这里一定很舒服。

B: 除了缺少一些现代化设施,这是一个大家族极好的居所。

A: 我希望可以在北京买一套四合院啊。

B: 由于房价上涨,恐怕连百万富翁都买不起一套了。

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