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Peking Opera represents the finest combination of literature, music, dance, martial arts, fine arts, acrobatics and many other arts available. Its way of performing is different from opera, pantomime and drama. The Peking Opera is a kind of art that pays equal attention to Chang (Singing), Nian (Speaking), Zuo (Acting) and Da (Fighting)'. Singing in Peking Opera has the certain tune that expresses the sentiment of the dramatic persona; Speaking in the play is the speech except singing; Acting is the performance of movement and expression; Fighting is the martial arts performed by dancing. It enables the audience to be inspired by the affection not only from the language but also from the music, the physique and the fine arts. Simultaneously, Peking Opera provides the opportunity to appreciate the pleasing stylistic and artistic harmony of the dance and music, the strength of the rhythm and designs even from one act.


Peking Opera originated from the middle period of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). In the 55th year, reigned by the Emperor Qianlong (1790), the most famous four theatrical troupes in Anhui -Sanqing Troupe, Sixi Troupe, Chuntai Troupe and Hechun Troupe went to Beijing in succession to show their opera performance and then obtained the unprecedented success. Then, based on Anhui Opera and Han Opera, absorbing the essence of the local folk ditty like the Kun Opera and, Yiyang Opera and Shaanxi Opera and also mixed with characteristics of Beijing dialect, Beijing Opera was formed. Although formed in peking, it is not a native-born but a melting opera.京剧起源于清代中期(1644-1911)。


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