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Nanjing Road is the main shopping street of Shanghai, and is one of the busiest and the longest shopping streets in the world. It's around 6 km long and attracts over one million visitors daily. It is named after the city of Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province , neighboring Shanghai. Today's Nanjing Road comprises two sections, Nanjing Road East and Nanjing Road West. In some contexts,“Nanjing Road”refers only to pre-1945 Nanjing Road, today's Nanjing Road East, which is largely pedestrianised. Before the adoption of the pinyin romanisation in the 1950s, its name was rendered as Nanking Road in English.

南京路是上海的一条主要购物街,是世界最繁忙也是最长的购物街,大约有6公里长,每天都有超过100万的游客来此观光购物。它是以上海的临省江苏省的省会南京命名的。如今的南京路分为两部分,南京东路南京西路。在有些情况下,“南京路”指的只是1945年之前的南京路,也就是今天的南京东路,大部分是步行街。20世纪50年代,在采用拼音之前,英语中的南京路为Nanking Road。

Nanjing Road is located in the city center, running in the west-east direction. Its eastern section is in Huangpu District and extends from The Bund west to People's Square. The western section begins at People's Square and continues westward towards Jing'an District.


The history of Nanjing Road can be traced back to the year 1845. At that time it was called "Park Lane", which streched from the Bund to He'nan Road. In 1854, it was extended to Zhejiang Road, and eight years later, once more extended to Xizang Road. In 1862, it was named formally "Nanking Road".


East Nanjing Road is a dedicated commercial zone. At its eastern end is the central section of the Bund. featuring the Peace Hotel. Then west of the Bund precinct was traditionally the hub of European restaurants and cafes.


West Nanjing Road, near Jing'an Temple, has witnessed constant development over the past ten years. This area has several five star hotels, upscale shopping centers, restaurants and modern office buildings. Recently the area has benefited from the construction of Subway Line 7, connecting with Line 2 at Jing'an Temple station. The latest development here was the completion of the Wheelock Square building in 2010, with 58 floors and over 100,000 sq meters of prime office space.


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