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Shanghai has one of the best education systems in China. It is the first city in the country to implement 9-year mandatory education. The 2010 census shows that 22.0% out of Shanghai's total population, had a college education, doubled since 2000, while 21.0% had high school, 36.5% middle school, and 13.5% primary school education.


Shanghai has more than 930 kindergartens, 1,200 primary and 850 middle schools. Over 760,000 middle schools students and 871,000 primary school students are taught by 76,000 and 64,000 teaching staff respectively.


Shanghai is a major center of higher education in China with over 30 universities and colleges. A number of China's most prestigious universities are based in Shanghai, including Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, East China Normal University, Shanghai University, Shanghai International Studies University, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.


Since the 1990s, Shanghai has developed a modern social security system. It provides the urban security to the workers and retired workers in the city, including endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insuranceand maternity insurance. For the peasants, it provides the small-town social insurance and other social assistance. All these are applied to ensure those who work or live in Shanghai to enjoy the reasonable life guarantee.


From the 1990s, Shanghai has been dedicating itself in the cultural infrastructure construction and has completed a number of public places of cultural entertainments, such as the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Library, Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai Bookstore, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai Oriental Art Centre, etc. Till the end of 2010, there were in total about 27 cultural centre and art galleries, 112 art performance troupes, 28 public libraries, and 114 museums in Shanghai.

20世纪90年代以来,上海积极推进文化基础设施建设,建成上海博物馆、上海图书馆、上海大剧院、上海书城、上海科技馆、东方艺术中心等一批公益性和功能性文化娱乐场所。至2010 年末,全市拥有市、区(县)文化馆、群众艺术馆27个,艺术表演团体112个,公共图书馆28个,博物馆114个。

Shanghai is hailed as the "Shopping Paradise" and "Oriental Paris". So if you come to Shanghai, shopping should not be missed Providing the very best of shopping has become an indispensable part of Shanghai's tourism industry.


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