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Q4:How did you land your most successful sale?


A4(1):My most successful sale was one where I had taken over a customer from another salesman who had to leave suddenly. I immediately contacted the person, and let them know the situation.I knew that my colleague was having a difficult time getting the client to commit to the purchase of a large motor home.But when I was given the opportunity to take over the sale, I was able to give the customer some reflection time, and was ultimately able to close the sale.


A4(2):I would say that my most successful sales have followed a similar pattern. Once the customer has expressed interest in the product, I make myself available to answer any questions they may have.Next, I try to fill them in on the details they may not be familiar with, i.e.features, benefits, etc.I believe that when a customer is making a purchase, especially a large one, they like to have time to fully understand what features the item has, and what makes one company preferable to deal with than another.By representing a company with a superior product and a high level of customer support, I am confident in offering a fair price, and I have been very successful at landing most of my sales.


A4(3):I have been very fortunate to have met many interesting people in my career in sales. One of the sales which I would consider my most successful was an international sale of a large number of books which had been returned after a major retailer closed.Through my contacts, I learned of an English Language bookstore in a small suburb of Delhi, and I was able to offer the owner a terrific deal, which helped out my company tremendously, by not having to re-stock the items.


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