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(A—Mr. William is now negotiating the terms of the contract with B—Mr. Parson from the importing company.)


A:Well, Mr. Parson, it seems to me we ve come quite a long way, but there s still a fair points left over to clear up.Parson先生,我们已经谈了很久了,但对我来说似乎仍有好些问题尚未解决。

B:Yes, I d like to go over terms of payment. Would you be agreeable to payment by irrevocable letter of credit on your Vancouver Bank?是的,我想说一下付款方式。你同意让温哥华银行开立不可撤销信用证吗?

A:Good. At sixty days I d suggest. Now, what about deliveries?好的,我建议60天后见票付款。那么怎样发货呢?

B:I ve been looking into the question of having the goods sent by air. It s quick, the goods are less liable to damage than by sea and rail, and there s less risk of hold ups due to strikes.我正在考虑用空运送货的问题。空运快捷,比起海运和铁路运输,货物更不容易损坏,而且因罢工而滞留产品的风险也小一些。

A:There s only one thing there. Freight costs are higher by air, and if we operate on CIF terms as we already provisionally agreed, this might mean a substantial increase in our expenses.只有一点,空运费用要高一些,如果我们按谈判中双方同意的CIF 支付条款成交,那就意味着我方费用将大幅度提高。

B:While really I believe it would be worthwhile, and we would be prepared to meet you half way with the extra incurred.不过我真的认为很值得这么做,而且我们准备为你方承担一半由此引起的费用。

A:I m certainly with you in principle, but I ll have to take the matter up when I get back to Sydney. I ll send you a fax after I ve discussed it with my boss.原则上我赞同,但我回悉尼后要好好考虑一下。我与老板商量后再给你发传真。

B:And delivery times will depend on whether you send the goods by air.那么交货时间取决于你是否空运货物。


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