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Night life in Shanghai is gentle and colorful because life here is much more than life itself. It is elegant.


The scenery at night has to be seen and the Bund is a must. The ornate classical and modern buildings take on a new and exciting look as they are lit up by an abundance of colored lights. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Jinmao Tower across the Huangpu River are a magical sight. A nighttime Huangpu River cruise presents a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the night life on the Bund. These include deluxe boats, ancient dragon boats of Ming and Qing styles, boats of Shikumen style of old Shanghai, etc. Whatever kind of boat you take, the view to be seen will live in your memory for years.


Leaving the scenery aside, walking westward along Nanjing East Road, you will quickly reach the famous Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, the gaily illuminated shops are an exciting backdrop to the cheerful crowds who come here after dark to enjoy the carefree atmosphere, where it is possible to pick up a bargain or enjoy a tasty morsel. Most of the shops close at 10 p.m, but that is when the tea houses and bars really come into their own and the night is still young!


Tea Houses open around the clock. Apart from enjoying a lone taste of tea, you can invite several friends and play cards or just chat. Fashionable entertainments are favorites with young people. When night falls, Shanghai bathes in the light of various entertainment venues. Nightclubs, Karaoke, discos, and coffee houses are all popular night meeting places.


If you are visiting Shanghai for the first time, it is much safer to go to Xintiandi for the night life. Xintiandi, the most fashionable area in the distinctive Shikumen Buildings, with the architectural styles of both west and east from the 1920s and 1930s, has become a popular place to go. Every building has a modern interior and becomes an international gallery, fashion shop, themed restaurant, coffee house or bar. Young white collars discuss their work or talk about life; even hard questions on the desk get solved here! Open-air bars are also popular here. Xintiandi offers the loest choice and the arrival of more and more boutiques, designer shops and luxury goods stores continually adds color to the the night life in Xintiandi.


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